Core.LegacyEntityDecoder TYPE: bool VERSION: 4.9.0 DEFAULT: false --DESCRIPTION-- <p> Prior to HTML Purifier 4.9.0, entities were decoded by performing a global search replace for all entities whose decoded versions did not have special meanings under HTML, and replaced them with their decoded versions. We would match all entities, even if they did not have a trailing semicolon, but only if there weren't any trailing alphanumeric characters. </p> <table> <tr><th>Original</th><th>Text</th><th>Attribute</th></tr> <tr><td>&yen;</td><td>¥</td><td>¥</td></tr> <tr><td>&yen</td><td>¥</td><td>¥</td></tr> <tr><td>&yena</td><td>&yena</td><td>&yena</td></tr> <tr><td>&yen=</td><td>¥=</td><td>¥=</td></tr> </table> <p> In HTML Purifier 4.9.0, we changed the behavior of entity parsing to match entities that had missing trailing semicolons in less cases, to more closely match HTML5 parsing behavior: </p> <table> <tr><th>Original</th><th>Text</th><th>Attribute</th></tr> <tr><td>&yen;</td><td>¥</td><td>¥</td></tr> <tr><td>&yen</td><td>¥</td><td>¥</td></tr> <tr><td>&yena</td><td>¥a</td><td>&yena</td></tr> <tr><td>&yen=</td><td>¥=</td><td>&yen=</td></tr> </table> <p> This flag reverts back to pre-HTML Purifier 4.9.0 behavior. </p> --# vim: et sw=4 sts=4